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Astrology Forecast for April 9, 2014

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Astrology Forecast for April 9, 2014  Empty Astrology Forecast for April 9, 2014

Message par Hamsa Ven 11 Avr - 16:26

Pour les anglophones  flower 

Publiée le 10 avr. 2014
I am so anxious I'm ready to burst,
It's hard to decide what to do first,
I must remember that in this dimension,
Time holds the keys to my future expansion.
There is so much chaotic energy swirling around this planet right now that it is easy to get swept into it like getting sucked into a tornado. It is a test of our self mastery to hold and manage our energy now. If managed well this great new power emerging within each of us can and and will bring the New Earth.
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Messages : 2652
Date d'inscription : 19/08/2012
Localisation : des Etoiles parachutée sur Terre

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